We know, we know, it’s been said a thousand times: you must have a budget. As a business owner and as a human being with a personal life, budgeting is key– and as your outsources, Chief Financial Officer, we know there’s always significance to be found in reviewing the basics. Let’s take this back to where it all begins and go through the reasons why your budget does more for you than you might think.


It’s not enough to keep track of how much you can spend– you should factor in what you do end up spending right alongside those figures. Keep your records in the same place and compare what you expected to need to what you actually needed. Use the information when you make your next monthly or weekly budget to increase your accuracy.

Financial Awareness

When it comes to financial planning, there’s no such thing as too much information. It’s crucial to remain aware of how much you’re spending and on what, not only to keep track of what you can afford but to analyze which investments and expenses bring the most return. You need to compare what you spend on an asset to how much that asset is earning you in order to figure out whether you should make a change.


Keeping a detailed budget also ensures you stay on track and forces you to write out your priorities. You might be confident about remembering all the details, but there’s no reason to rely solely on memory when you can write things down. A meticulous budget lets you keep track of every penny that comes in and out of your business, ensuring you lose track of nothing and concentrate your resources where they matter the most. In reading over your past records, you can also research what expenses can be decreased or cut altogether in favor of others. It’s much easier to shift allotments around with all the data spread out in front of you. Who knows? You might just find a new way to save– and even if you don’t, you’re still holding yourself accountable for making the most possible out of your available resources.

Planning Ahead

Finally, a budget is just one part of the information you’ll use to grow your business and create detailed reports, especially when Tax Day rolls around. There are many tips and tricks you can use to help your business when it comes to claiming tax credits and deductions, but only if you have the information on hand to prove your eligibility. We’re here to serve as your experts on the accounting side of running a business, and that includes knowing the ins and outs of filing your taxes. Keeping detailed, accurate records allows us to do what we do best– save you money and keep your business running smoothly.

Need a Business Advisor?

At Lodestar Advisors, we chart a custom growth path for each of our clients because we understand each individual, each business, has their own path. Ultimately, our success is driven by your success– we want to see your business flourish. If you’re interested in working with a top-notch business advisor, give us a call at 443-280-0890 or send us a message through the online form at the bottom of our webpage. We can’t wait to start this journey with you!