How to Organize Your Email Inbox

With holidays fast approaching, you can expect promotional emails to start piling up in your email inbox soon. This is a busy time of year for businesses trying to attract attention and make sales. Top it off with messages from family, friends, and clients, and your box will soon be stuffed full. Here are some ways to stop the panic and get your email inbox in order.

Sort Your Emails

Clean up your inbox by prioritizing the emails that come in. Once you delete the emails you don’t want, put the rest into folders of various importance. Make a new folder and title it “To Do”. Then, create subfolders such as “ASAP” for emails that need immediate attention and “Follow Up” for those that require action by someone else first. “Someday” is for emails you want to take a couple of weeks to review first. Come up with a labeling system that works for you.

Use the Auto-Sort Function

You can set emails to automatically transfer to specific folders. These have specific keywords in the subject line or are from the same sender. For instance, emails that contain the word “invoice” can be routed to a folder titled “Monthly Invoices”. These emails will appear in an assigned folder instead of your general inbox.

Make Email Templates

These are perfect for those emails you send frequently. When drafting a new message, find the appropriate template in your collection of saved responses. You can use this function for text you send often, such as your contact information or common calls to action.

Unwanted Email Subscriptions

Regularly check your email inbox for newsletters, reminders, or sales funnel messages you’re no longer interested in. Click the unsubscribe button to manage your email settings. This allows you to stop the subscription or reduce the number of emails you receive.

Labels, Tags, and Flags

Labels and tags let you assign email-specific categories that help you search for messages faster. These can include clients, projects, or certain tasks. Flags are color-coded icons that are used to prioritize or categorize emails. You can also create your own color code system.

Separate Email Accounts

It’s a good idea to separate your personal and business emails. For instance, create one account for your personal emails and a second one for your freelance work. A third email account can be set aside for messages from an employer.

Use Your Calendar

Keep track of emails that require immediate follow-up by putting them on your calendar. After you move the email to the appropriate subfolder, put a reminder on the calendar. Include information on the folder location and the deadline for action. Microsoft Outlook’s Calendar and Google Gmail both allow you to do this.

Delete the Junk ASAP

When promotional emails and newsletters start piling up in your inbox, get rid of them. Hit the ‘unsubscribe’ button or delete them. Do this as soon as possible. Don’t allow junk emails to take up valuable space in your inbox.

Time Blocks

Schedule regular blocks of time daily for checking emails. Respond, archive, or save for later. Give yourself enough time to focus on the task at hand without being rushed. Choose a time each week to maintain your inbox and prioritize emails.

Turn Off Notifications

Don’t bother with email notifications. Turn them off. If you check your email a couple times a day, there’s no need to be disturbed by the sound of an email alert.

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