Employees are the backbone of just about every company. However,  to keep them in working order, they need to be motivated.  Don’t let your valuable workforce slip away! Here are some tips to keep them on top of their game.

Don’t be Cheap: Pay Them Well

Make sure your workers are being paid what they are worth.  Give them the same salary that other companies in your industry and geographic area are paying. More than one quarter of employees say they would leave their current job for a 5-percent pay increase. Don’t let that happen to you.

Create a Positive Office Environment

Employees want to work in a place that is clean, stimulating and makes them feel good.  Offer members training, check in on them regularly, and encourage team collaboration and communication.  If you teach team members new skills to help advance their careers, they will be more valuable to your company. Give positive feedback when workers achieve results.

Promote Communication and Collaboration

Always communicate with your staff. Encourage your team members to offer their input and suggestions on how to do things better. Listen to what they have to say and put their solutions into action whenever possible.  Support new ideas and let members develop new skills by giving them challenging tasks.

Don’t Punish or Micromanage Workers

When team members make a mistable, don’t punish them. Encourage them to implement the new lesson they have learned and try again. Don’t be a micromanager. Avoid looking over the shoulder of your employees.  No one likes a boss who second-guesses every decision they make.

Set Clear Goals and Focus on Strengths

Make sure your employees know the company vision and goals. Your team should be clear on what work is a priority.   Have a reward system that recognizes the dedication and hard work of employees. People love to feel appreciated. Also focus on individual strengths and give out assignments that showcase these.  Your employees will become more confident and motivated.

Encourage Employee Teamwork

Host team-building activities regularly and offer opportunities for team members to bond.  Encourage and promote teamwork to boost productivity and engagement.  When hiring new staff, consider how a potential employee will work with the rest of the team.

Lead By Example

Great leaders exhibit traits they want to see in their team. These include hard work, dedication and loyalty.  Discover your individual leadership style. Employees also like to know you care about them.  Ask about their families, their health and what motivates them.  Encourage personal growth by sending team members relevant articles or inviting them to networking events.

Need a Business Advisor?

If you’re interested in working with a top-notch business advisor, give Lodestar Advisors a jingle!  Reach out to us at 443-280-0890 or send us a message online.  We can’t wait to start this journey with you!